Wednesday, July 29, 2009


A lot of people had a fun time yesterday ridiculing GMA and her speech. Her outrageous Ursula-inspired dress, her 'unfounded' declarations, her 'outrageous' claims etc... etc...

They may be right. She may be planning to extend her term etc... etc...

But for me, I am glad that she was our president during these last years. This is my personal sentiment.

I have no charts, no studies, no surveys to validate this save my personal experience of how I and the people around me lived during her administration in comparison to the life before her.

She fixed the HUGE mess Erap made when he was in office. In all levels of the bureaucrasy (yes it is still corrupt), I've noticed the way things stepped up and got organized.

We remained relatively stable despite the world wide snafu.

I've noticed how easy it is for OFWs and Balikbayans to transact business here and send money.

I've noticed the way the traffic has flowed better (yes it is still agravating) when MMDA Chairman Bayani made all the necessary changes.

I've noticed how the roads have been cleared of illegal sidewalk vendors and how the illegal squatters in Metro Manila has been addressed.

I've noticed how the port, airport & road infrastructures have improved around the country.

I've noticed how she seems to be everywhere everyday in this country abroad. How she has the reputation for being efficient and on time.

She is not perfect. But I am happy with her.

However, no matter how satisfied I am with her, I do not want her to stay beyond 2010. Even if we get a lame president after her, I prefer this rather than render our democratic process futile.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bombing & the US

It's just too much of a coincidence.

North Korea has an ailing tyrant. North Korea has nuclear weapons. North Korea is near China. North Korea has recently done 'successful' test launches.

Even if I'm not a president or general, I smell blood. War is coming. Of sorts. Or at the very least, the fear that's being generated by the situation will require vigilance and armaments.

If I'm a weapon's manufacturer, I would already be hearing the roar of the cash registers.

Enter US. The world's biggest weapons manufacturer.

They're feeling the heat from North Korea. At the same time, they also feel the allure of the cash register. They need a base that can serve as an outpost, as well as a weapons cache should their 'allies' have a sudden need for weaponry.

What's a good place where they can locate this that near enough to be commercially viable but far enough to keep America safe from any war casualties. Hmnnn.....

Hey! The Philippines! The former colony who still desperately wants approval. If we can have a base in Mindanao, we gain a foot hold in Asia! Near enough but far enough. BONUS! Mindanao has a lot of natural resources we can exploit: from virgin forests to oil.

But they kicked our the bases long ago... how do we take root there again?!

Aha! Play the terrorism card! Strike fear! Bomb key areas in Mindanao so that country will be begging us to come back & protect them. It helps that current president is also an eager beaver who's assailed left and right politically. Hmn...

Send the CIA head there to assess the situation....

I desperately pray that they won't succeed in their endeavor. But I will not be surprised that before elections next year, they've managed to insinuate themselves back into this country.