GMA became senator mainly through a poster pose of her looking so much like Nora Aunor in a barrio-lass setting.
Instead of running for President, she became vice-president to the most inept Philippine President ever--ERAP. Consequently, he got deposed and she became President.
Presidents' terms are limited, but she got around that because she just took over Erap's presidency and got 're-elected'. This despite the "Hello, Garci" controversy and the grievous US diplomatic ties fiasco.
Now, she nominated a peon for President while she's running for Congress in an unprecedented move.
Everyone knows she's doing it so she can manipulate Congress into a Constitutional change that will change the form of government to one which would allow her to become Prime Minister. (Good luck with that. Wait till she come across the barriers of multiple SELF-INTERESTS.)
Now let's take a look at how the elections are coming along:
Noynoy who once had a COMMANDING LEAD and was a sure-win for President is slowly and steadily losing his lead. How?
The 'Surveys' are being crafted.
The fielding of too many presidentiables dilutes the vote. At first, I didn't believe that there was a plot, but when the incompetent Erap was allowed to run, that's when I became convinced that there is a move to dilute the votes. I believe that they do this, so come elections time if the fielded unpopular admin candidate wins by oh, 6%, people will accept it and not sense any foul play.
Now they're working on Villar, the next most popular candidate, Mr. "C5 at Taga".
And in the off-chance that Gibo will not be popular to take it, it is rumored that Gordon is the palace's 3rd bet. (Gibo the official, Villar the real candidate, Gordon the spare)
How can this be counter-acted?
Other candidates must back-off in favor of Noynoy. They could also die.
But what makes this option, so hard? SELF-INTEREST. Who among the remaining candidates are selfless enough to back-off to make this happen?
Or, let me place myself in their shoes... If I will back off, how sure am I that Noynoy will protect me from the sharks later on? The indecisiveness he is exhibiting does not make me confident about his ability, nor his tendency to let other parties dictate his actions.
Of all the candidates, I know Dick Gordon could take them. He has the balls for it. But he's too unpopular right now.
The only way Dick Gordon could take this election is if Villar's campaign is thoroughly ruined by the C5 at Taga and Noynoy collapses from exhaustion. Between him and Gibo, he is more reliable.
Gibo's just a peon who passes off blame and work on everybody else. If the top two collapses, I doubt that people's votes will filter to him.
The majority who can make a difference in this election are quiet but they are closely observing the proceedings.
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