Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to start solving our country's problem: Filipino-Style.

The problem with our country is that we've never had a political system that's our own.

Every system we've had has been adapted from other countries. We did not evolve with it. It was just thrust down our throats. The consequence of this ill-fit is that we tend to improperly implement it as it's not attuned to our natures, our culture.

This is the only thing I learned in the one and only class of political science I took. But I think it resonated with me because of the truth of it.

Democracy worked in Europe because they've already matured politically. They have already gone through many system of governments that changed as their ideologies did. In our country, we went straight from slavedom to democracy. There's bound to be problems there.

Given that, what would be the ideal political system for us, as of today?

I've always believed that this country's future is in our patriarchal-church-led-feudal culture.

That sound's rather backward, doesn't it?

I have and will always blame the church's role in colonizing us and enslaving our minds to a point that generations after, we're still not free from our feudal thinking and roles.

But think about it, we have ingrained habits & values from our feudal and colonial past spanning generations of Filipinos. We are not a democratic nation in the truest sense of the word. We are not equals. Each man's vote does not count as one but as a commodity available to the highest bidder.

However, I also know that changing habits and status quo takes time. I believe in harvesting existing ways of thinking and living in a smart and enlightened fashion by people who really have this country's best interests at heart.

Our people are still feudal - clamoring for a patriarch/matriarch to guide them & lead them. It is sad but I have noticed no matter how talented a person is, if she or he has no claim to fame or famous ancestor, people do not see him/her as a leader. On the other hand, the witless son or daughter of the richest family in town is followed unquestioned because of their status.

It is because of this that I believe the future of this country lies in the enlightened elites of our society: Those who are thrust above others by default because of feudal conditioning. These are the spiritual leaders, businessmen, intellectuals and most specially the sons & daughters of rich and prominent families in their area.

The key is that they must have no ego problems. What we need are the people who are well-educated and forward thinkers to enter the system and work within in to transform it. And they do this because they really care about the country. Also, they will be less prone to corruption because they cannot be tempted by money, power or recognition as they already have it.

A few exist. I know that a few who really know better are out there and I implore them to get our of their cocoons and help in the best way they can.

They don't have to enter government. They can be centers of influence in their offices, baranggays, schools and the home.

At the very least, where they are, all they have to do is take a moral stand and direct people's values. It can be as simple as teaching children of today to be respectful to their elders, be mindful of their manners and to pick up their trash. The important thing is those whom people automatically look up to because of feudal perceptions should be conscious of their roles to serveas models for citizens.

For now, this will do. Enlightenment will take time. I eagerly await the next stage in our political evolution where wisdom can rule us, not crude magic or threats. (To paraphrase from CS Lewis' The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) . We have to start somewhere, and I believe this starting point is sound.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Killer Con-Ass Move

I have to hand it to GMA. She has tremendous political will and prowess.

While people are being lulled to sleep by gentle rains last night, she quietly mobilized her allies in Congress to ram through the passing of House Resolution 1109. Before people can react and prevent it, it has been passed.

Basically, this will allow those in power to vote amongst themselves to create changes in this country's constitution to stay in power.

Brilliant. It's nasty, conniving & manipulative. But it's a brilliant move. Years from now, political scientists will be having dissertations on how this diminuitive Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo managed to grab and stay in power despite strong public opposition. And how what she did ultimately caused her downfall.

The following is not a logical analysis, but...

I believe that things happen for a reason. Certain things happen which seem unjust & unfair. It all works out in the end, even if we do nothing active.

For example, US railroaded & bullied many countries into this concept 'globalization'. What happened in the end? They set off a series of events that eventually doubled-back on them. Look: their economy almost collapsed, they're target of international 'terrorists/freedom-fighters' and they're in recession now.

I predict that though jubilant now, this move by Arroyo and the oligarchs will be their undoing in the end.

They ARE doing this to stay in power. Heaven knows for what reason. Money? Prestige? Fame? Karmically, they are already doing themselves in, locking themselves, their allies & their families in an endless unhappy struggle.

Despite their obvious intention, I believe they will be unwittingly creating a platform: a form of government whereby the Filipino people's WILL shall finally & genuinely be empowered.

Never underestimate the ingenuity of Filipinos. We have successfully turned democracy into a shadow of feudalism to suit our natures better. Whatever GMA & Co lays out for us, we will tweak it to our advantage.

Our problem is that we've never created our own system of government. We only copied and adapted what other countries have done with no consideration for our cultural nuances. We do not feel passionate about our constitution because it's not really ours. It's an ill fit. Like a native used to thongs forced to wear a three piece suit.

Maybe 'fate' is allowing this travesty to give us what we really need: a system of government apt for us.
