Sunday, March 29, 2009

Public Perception is not equal to reality: PETA Killed 95% of animals in it's care

Like what I was saying regarding the "Earth Hour", the public relation firm's spin on things puts a smokescreen between the horrible reality and what they want the public to think.

The latest example is this: PETA Killed 95% of Adoptable Pets in it's care despite a $32M budget. (See links below for reference).

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)--the very organization that, in the public's eyes, was supposed to safeguard pets do not bother to care for animals in their care but just put them to slaughter.

I'm am VERY SURE that with it's multi-million dollar budget, PETA can hire a slick PR firm to say that it is more humane to end the lives of these pets rather than have them live on the streets.  Heck, I'm not even a genius and I can very well tell you that I would rather live on the streets than be put to death.

This is the horrible reality regarding pets care.

Can you imagine what is really going on in the world without the carefully crafted press releases?


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Oligarchy in the Philippines

Forget issues on population, education, environment, pollution, crime & recession.

The number one problem in the Philippines is the prevalent oligarchy: the concentration of power in a few members of the elite.

To be clear, let me enumerate whom I think are the modern members of Philippine oligarchy:

  • Political families that have members in different positions in local or national government for generations.
  • Politicians and their relatives who have been there for the past 4 administrations (since the time of Marcos).
  • Movie, TV, Sports celebrities/politicians.
  • The richest families in the country that support some or all the political parties equally to make sure their interests are protected.
  • The emerging "Lords": Drug Lords, Kidnap Lords, Smuggling Lords & 'Praise the Lord's.
  • The leaders of different churches and religious sects.
  • The business sector leaders

Basically, people who by reason of birth or circumstance belong to the elite circle that decides this country's fate.

I wouldn't mind if they would decide on things that would benefit the country. 

(Ok... that's being unrealistic. Let me revise that.)

I wouldn't mind if the corruption to benefit ratio is at least acceptable, but as time passes the ruling elite are starting to act with impunity and thoughtlessness as to the general plight of the majority.

They argue like fishmonger's wives in the market as to who's the top dog often using the 'poor masses' as banners to further their own interests. Oftentimes they just broker power amongst themselves anyway throwing aside whatever causes they used to get there.

Masses, I hope we all wake up to the fact that we're just being used as body count in this travesty of Democracy.

Sadly, I know we won't or we will only when loved ones start disappearing, getting tortured or killed. I attribute this to our tendency to keep our heads down brought by historical and cultural blah blah blah...

That leaves me only one recourse.

I'll just kill the really bad or prominent oligarchs with the curse of THE GINOSAJI

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Among Ed for President

If Among Ed is going to run for President, I will seriously consider voting for him, even if it is kind of sticky.

He is a priest and the age old separation of church and state will be thrown into question. But he is already performing as Governor of Pampanga and I have yet to hear of a rumor with him using state powers to further the interests of the church.

(My biggest problem with him would be issues regarding population control where the dictates of the church will openly clash with what this country needs. But then again, if this is the only point of contention, I can let go. OLIGARCHISM is our biggest problem after all.)

Let's face it. In this country the spiritual leaders still play a part in managing the people. Look at how influential the opinions of Manalo and Velarde is on state policy or moves. During elections, their vote of confidence is still courted by presidentiables.

Among Ed will be the alternative to the trapo-dynasty infested political system that we have. He can be the banner carrier that symbolizes the people's real clamor for change and for good governance. He's not an answer to all our problems but he would be a good start.

There is subtle irony in Among Ed, a priest leading the way. A representative of the church who brought us to this situation is going to lead us out.

Should he win and it ushers in a period of revival, I'm going to call it even with the church. It will have come full circle.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Enrile Encourages Erap to Run in 2010

Go ahead Erap, run for President. 

So that the money you plundered can be ploughed back into circulation.
So trapos that need a boost can ride on your coat-tails.
So Filipino dignity can be trampled on again.

And I hope the strains of campaigning and losing will deal to you the 'final blow',  about 2 months before you do any real damage, maybe during a drinking session with lechon gorging so no one can spin it as an assasination.


Erap and Lacson ordered Dacer's Murder

That was what Inquirer's headlines proclaimed yesterday.

But let me make this swift:

Erap & Lacson will deny this charge.

They'll even spin it to say Mancao was forced to make this affidavit by the administration to discredit them because they intend to run for President.


The Rape of Nicole

It has always been her dream to go to the US.

That's why she hung out in the areas where US soldiers gather.

That's why she got placed in a position where a rape could take place.

That's why the rape drama versus US Serviceman Daniel Smith ensued.

That's why after all's said and done, she's now in the US with her American boyfriend.

That's why she recanted her accusation of rape.

(Last I heard, she's recanting her statement recanting her accusation of rape...)

That's why I could just give her a swift kick in the...

But that's not the point of this.

I wrote this to point out how this 'rape of Nicole' has exposed how we still live and think like people colonized by the US.

In the whole drama one thing was clear: American interests take priority.

People took up the cause of Nicole because for decades when the US bases were here, crimes like what the serviceman did was commonplace. Even worse was the blatant murders of people scavenging for garbage on the trash heap of the US base, for which no one was put to justice because they did in on 'US Soil".  This time, we could and we rallied around her as a symbolic gesture of reinforcing our soveriegnity in these lands.

However, the serviceman, though found guilty, did not even spend a day in Philippine jail but under the custody of the US Embassy. It was even someone from our government who handed the serviceman to the Americans. That in itself is a rude blow to our sovereignity.

The situation was resolved 'coincidentally' on the eve of talks regarding the renewal of the "Visiting Armed Forces" agreement. 

And Nicole FINALLY and 'luckily' got a visa to go to the US and live with her American boyfriend. Amazingly she also recants her accusation.

I will not go into nitty-gritty detail. I'll leave that to newspapers columnists.

I just wrote this to point out how we were all raped by Nicole and gang-banged by America yet again.
