There is graft & corruption in the government. People in power have 'compromised' something to get there. Anyone who denies this is either a fool or an idiot.
That's why I can't believe people who are aghast about Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Am I the only one who notice that the reason we have the luxury to lambast her is because she enables the structure that allows us to lambast her? She has stabilized the Philippine's situation financially & politically from the shambles Erap left it in.
They say she cheated. Why do people act so shocked?! This is NOT the first time someone running for a post has cheated. Even people running for baranggay level cheat. Even beauty pageant contestants cheat. I'm not saying cheating is good. And I am also aware that maybe she has spawned a new trend that may have lasting repercussions. I sincerely do not understand what makes her so intolerable? Because she cheated? Because she's corrupt? Because she appoints people wantonly? Really, now? In the history of man, give me a leader who did not make the necessary compromises to do his or her job.
Maybe people find her intolerable because she lacks the charm we like associating with our male leaders. Erap was so much worse, yet we tolerated him more. Gloria is working her ass off keeping this 3rd world country balanced and all we can think of is how she still remains in power despite the many impeachment attempts.
I find it very difficult to discuss these thoughts with people who give a damn about it because they're usually intellectuals. Specifically, political intellectual-elitists who are intellectual AND elitists.
It's very easy to sit in your armchair to criticize how someone is not doing their job as it's 'supposed' to be done. But who questions these unwritten rules as to how it's supposed to be done? Who dictates them? None other than political analysts who spend their day in and day out ruminating, talking & writing.
I dare these opinion makers to run a district or maybe even a small business from scratch with no family or political backing. I dare them to quit their jobs that gives them a steady salary no matter the economic situation. I challenge all these people: the media, the opposition... anyone who says they're filing all these impeachment complaints & blowing little issues out of proportion because they love this country . I challenge them, if they really love this countryto PEG their SALARIES and/or sell all their businesses & family holdings and INVEST SOLELY in the Philippine Stock Market. Let's see if their opinion as to how things should be done remain the same. Let's see if they will not be more careful with the issues they bring up or at least how they bring it up.
In my opinion, people who wantonly use their pens to create these issues are the ones who have little to lose by doing so. They are secure with trust accounts or pensions. If they're from the working class, these are people who can easily leave the country at the first signs of civil unrest or nationwide fiscal problems. The ones who are not being heard these days are the ones who have thrown in their lot with this country for better or for worse, soldiering on every day trying to build a living, and far too BUSY to bother with all these fanfare. Their voices are the ones I'm trying to echo now.
I think Gloria is doing a relatively good job despite the circumstances. She's keeping this country from sinking despite the current world snafu. She keeps the political circus in this country in check. This relative stability she's providing us is very important just so we can get back on our feet.
I am not ignoring her many mistakes & evils. I am first to grimace at the way she flip-flops on issues & the kind of people she appoints. The appointments & decisions she makes are obviously made to appeal to certain people or to stem unrest from certain parties. But I can see the logic behind it. She needs to quiet these rabble before they create chaos or problems, so she can function on the things that matter. And in a weird way, her flip-flopping is teaching people that their voices can be heard.
Think about it people, the rabble I'm talking about are the trapos in our political circus. They are the ones that dictate the path of our nation. Look! They are the same personalities & cronies from the time of Marcos! Even Enrile & Maceda's still there. The rest are 2nd or 3rd generation or even 4th or 5th generation political families. It's not solely our presidents that causes the problems, it's these power-mongerers & mongrels. Any of our presidents are tasked with the Herculean task of managing them. (Them, and of course the incessant US intervention--but this is a topic for another day.)
She cannot solve every problem we have, she's too busy putting out fires. For that, she's very useful. And a clue for the impeachment complaint sukis: The reason your drive's not working -- the quiet majority actually know she works, metaphorically & literally. That's why your cause is not and will not gain enough ground.
I hope we can all wait till 2010. I think we owe ourselves a chance to empower our constitution & consequently our ability to govern ourselves.
And for those who keep saying that they doubt she'll step down 2010, she is only human. Her spirit may be willing, but her body IS weakening. But keep your vigilance. Constant vigilance is still important. It keeps her on her toes & provides us the political dynamism that's imperative in the maturing process of this country.